Tuesday, August 16, 2005

An Introduction, Of Sorts

If you're here, chances are you are a fellow peer in the course. For the benefit of (un)fortunate blog-hoppers who stumbled here, this blog is a reading journal for a literature module. I will be doing reflections and ramblings of sorts about the body: seemingly innocent, consciousness-carrying, walking vessels that roam this world. (Ripped from Dr. Yeo's mouth, but I found 'carrying consciousness' rather intriguing, so, here it is.)

Anyhow, here's short introduction about myself. My name is Catharine, or you may call me Cat for short. I'm a Year 3 (struggling) Literature major. This semester started on pretty rocky grounds, so I'm still in a semi-forlorn state. I'm going to Canada next January under the SEP, so if anyone wants Canadian Candy Bars, place an order with me. Haha.

Alright. That's it for the first introductory post.

| 6:07 PM | |


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